Foreword: this doc assumes you are using BIND version 8 or later.
I will eventually expose more DNS concepts, so that people using different
setups can more easily adapt these directives to their configurations.
As usual, feel free to send questions to,
or to the mailing list :
How do I resolve names in the NX VPN?
or: How do I setup DNS ?
You have many choices :
Configure your clients to direct their queries directly to a NX DNS. This
is very easy, but DNS queries will be quite slow (they have to cross the
VPN). Furthermore, if the name server fails, you will have to reconfigure
your clients.
Configure your name server to forward every DNS traffic to a NX DNS. This
is a bit better, as your local server will cache replies, but if the remote
server fails, you won't be able to resolve host names anymore.
Configure your name server to forward DNS traffic only for NX domain queries.
With BIND, add the following lines to named.conf :
zone "nx" { type forward; forwarders { NX-NAME-SERVER-IP; }; };
zone "" { type forward; forwarders { NX-NAME-SERVER-IP; }; };
zone "" { type forward; forwarders { NX-NAME-SERVER-IP; }; };
Alternatively, you can setup your name server to cache the nx and reverse
zones totally, but it's not very useful, because this will only cache NS
and SOA records for SLD. For instance, when resolving platyn.orion.nx,
your will skip the NS query for orion.nx but not the A query.
This kind of setup is achieved with the following statements :
zone "nx" { type slave; file "db.nx"; masters { NX-NAME-SERVER-IP; }; };
zone "" { type slave; file "db.192.168"; masters { NX-NAME-SERVER-IP; }; };
zone "" { type slave; file "db.10"; masters { NX-NAME-SERVER-IP; }; };
If you want to host your own SLD (for instance, foobar.nx), two
steps are involved in the process :
setup your name server : this needs configuration directives similar to
the following :
zone "foobar.nx" { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.foobar.nx"; };
zone "" { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.192.168.69"; };
request the DNS maintener to add stub zones for your SLD. You should inform
him about your name servers IP addresses, and of course, the name of your
SLD. Also, specify your reverse zone name servers.
If you want to delegate zones, for instance, suppose you manage foobar.nx,
and want another name server to host quux.foobar.nx subdomain,
you will need to declare stub zones ; a stub zone is similar to
a slave zone, but only NS and SOA records are fetched. Also, your
name server should not have global forwarders directives. Sample
stub zone :
zone "quux.foobar.nx" { type stub ; masters { IP-OF-MASTER-SERVER-FOR-QUUX-ZONE; }; };
Okay, I decided to host my own SLD (Second Level Domain), say foobar.nx ;
what do I have to do?
You must configure BIND as explained above, specifying that you
will be a master DNS for foobar.nx, with a zone
directive. You must also build a db.foobar.nx zone file.
Here's a short example :
$TTL 604800
@ IN SOA bigserv.foobar.nx (
2000090403 ; Serial
604800 ; Refresh
86400 ; Retry
2419200 ; Expire
302400 ) ; Negative Cache TTL
NS bigserv
NS littleserv
MX 20 mailserv
MX 10 mailhub.quux.nx.
bigserv A
firewall A
bigserv A
littleserv A
mailserv A
;available A
;available A
;available A
gamemachine A
www CNAME mailserv
ftp CNAME bigserv
irc CNAME bigserv
dollywoops CNAME dollywoops.quux.nx.
www.panda CNAME www
$TTL 3600
dynamix A
dhcp NS dynamix
Okay, this is a really tricky zone. Let's review it step by step :
- TTL is the default Time-To-Live for zone records, in seconds.
That means that when a remote DNS will fetch, say, bigserv.foobar.nx
from your server, it will be allowed to keep it valid for 604800
seconds before having to ask again.
- The following block is the SOA record (Start Of Authority) ;
it explains that bigserv.foobar.nx will be the primary
master server for this zone, and that the zone is administratively
managed by (yes, you have to put a dot in
the SOA record, and I don't know how you are supposed to enter
a dotted mail address). Following numbers are :
- Zone serial number. Traditionnally, YYYYMMDDSS, where YYYY is
year (2000), MM month (01 thru 12), DD day (01 thru 31), and SS
subserial number (if you make more than one change a day). You should
keep consistent with this numbering, as it helps to remember when you
did last changes for instance, and you MUST increment this number
if you want your changes to propagate to slaves DNS (they compare
their serial number to yours to check whether they should initiate
a zone transfer or not).
- Refresh delay, in seconds : how often should a slave name server
automatically check for new versions of the zone? It's not necessary
to set this too low, because anyway, when your master server reloads
a modified zone, it sends NOTIFY messages to slave servers and they
reload automatically.
- Retry delay, in seconds : when a refresh fails, how long should
a slave wait before asking the master again ?
- Expire delay, in seconds : if a slave could not contact
the master after this time, it considers that the zone is dead,
and doesn't forward queries anymore. You can set it quite big.
- You must then specify one ore more NS records,
specifying which name servers will host your zone.
- You can optionnally list one ore more MX records.
These are Mail eXchangers. When someone wants to send mail
to anybody@foobar.nx, it will look for an MX
record under foobar.nx. You can specify priorities,
in order to declare backup mail servers (in case of server
downtime or network outage, you won't lose mail).
- Then come the famous A records, establishing
the well-known mapping between host names an IP addresses.
- Notice that you can have more than one A record
for the same name : this allow load balancing over multiple
servers, and is almost required for multiple homed hosts -
or more simply, hosts with more than one network interface.
- A peculiar record type is CNAME, which allow
to define aliases. It is very useful to "map" hosts outside
your zone ; for instance, suppose you access frequently
dollywoops.quux.nx ; with a CNAME, you can
map it inside your zone, and keep consistent even if its IP
address changes (well, it works as long as dollywoops' maintener
keeps her zone files up to date).
- You can specify sub-zones by writing a NS record
pointing to their name server. You may also want to specify
stub zone, but that's another story.
Please note that when specifying host names, if you want to
refer to an host outside of your zone, the FQDN should end
with a dot. If you write
gator CNAME ali.gotham.nx
you will end up with gator pointing to
ali.gotham.nx.foobar.nx, which is almost certainly
not what you want.
Last word : when a line doesn't start with a name, BIND
considers you want to repeat the preceding name. If you want
to refer to the zone itself, use the special name @.