class Box { public var top:Number=0; public var left:Number=0; public var right:Number=0; public var bottom:Number=0; public var width:Number=0; public var height:Number=0; // position of the zero line //public var zero:Number=0; //public var steps:Number=0; // set by 3D axis public var tick_offset:Number=0; public var count:Number = 0; private var minmax:MinMax; private var x_offset:Boolean; public function Box( top:Number, left:Number, right:Number, bottom:Number, minmax:MinMax, x_left_label_width:Number, x_right_label_width:Number, count:Number, jiggle:Boolean, three_d:Boolean, x_offset:Boolean ) { var tmp_left:Number = left; if( jiggle ) { right = this.jiggle( left, right, x_right_label_width, count ); tmp_left = this.shrink_left( left, right, x_left_label_width, count ); } = top; this.left = Math.max(left,tmp_left); // round this down to the nearest int: this.right = Math.floor( right ); this.bottom = bottom; this.width = this.right-this.left; this.height = bottom-top; //this.steps = this.height/(minmax.y_max-minmax.y_min); // = bottom-(steps*(minmax.y_min*-1)); this.count = count; this.minmax = minmax; if( three_d ) { // tell the box object that the // X axis labels need to be offset this.tick_offset = 12; } // // x_offset: // // False True // // | | // | | // | | // +--+--+--+ |-+--+--+--+-+ // 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 // this.x_offset = x_offset; if( !this.x_offset ) this.count--; } // // if the last X label is wider than the chart area, the last few letters will // be outside the drawing area. So we make the chart width smaller so the label // will fit into the screen. // function jiggle( left:Number, right:Number, x_label_width:Number, count:Number ) { var r:Number = 0; if( x_label_width != 0 ) { var item_width:Number = (right-left) / count; var r:Number = right-(item_width/2); var new_right:Number = right; // while the right most X label is off the edge of the // Stage, move the box.right - 1 while( r+(x_label_width/2) > right ) { new_right -= 1; // changing the right also changes the item_width: item_width = (new_right-left) / count; r = new_right-(item_width/2); } right = new_right; } return right; } // if the left label is truncated, shrink the box until // it fits onto the screen function shrink_left( left:Number, right:Number, x_label_width:Number, count:Number ) { var pos:Number = 0; if( x_label_width != 0 ) { var item_width:Number = (right-left) / count; var pos:Number = left+(item_width/2); var new_left:Number = left; // while the left most label is hanging off the Stage // move the box.left in one pixel: while( pos-(x_label_width/2) < 0 ) { new_left += 1; // changing the left also changes the item_width: item_width = (right-new_left) / count; pos = new_left+(item_width/2); } left = new_left; } return left; } // // the bottom point of a bar: // min=-100 and max=100, use // min = 10 and max = 20, use b.bottom // function getYbottom( right_axis:Boolean ) { var min:Number = this.minmax.min( right_axis ); return this.getY( Math.max(0,min), right_axis ); } // takes a value and returns the screen Y location function getY_old( i:Number, right_axis:Boolean ) { var steps:Number = this.height/(this.minmax.range( right_axis )); // find Y pos for value=zero var y:Number = this.bottom-(steps*(this.minmax.min( right_axis )*-1)); // move up (-Y) to our point (don't forget that y_min will shift it down) y -= i*steps; return y; } // takes a value and returns the screen Y location function getY( i:Number, right_axis:Boolean ) { var steps:Number = this.height/(this.minmax.range( right_axis )); var y:Number = this.bottom; // move up (-Y) to our point (don't forget that y_min will shift it down) return this.bottom-(this.minmax.min( right_axis )-i)*steps*-1; } function width_():Number { return this.right-this.left_(); } function left_():Number { var padding_left:Number = this.tick_offset; return this.left+padding_left; } // // get the x position by value (e.g. what is the x position for -5 ?) // function get_x_pos_of_val( i:Number ) { var item_width:Number = this.width_() / this.count; var pos:Number = i-this.minmax.x_min; var tmp = 0; if( this.x_offset ) tmp = (item_width/2); return this.left_()+tmp+(pos*item_width); } // // get the x position of the n'th item // function get_x_pos( i:Number ) { var item_width:Number = this.width_() / this.count; var tmp = 0; if( this.x_offset ) tmp = (item_width/2); return this.left_()+tmp+(i*item_width); } // // get the position of the n'th X axis tick // function get_x_tick_pos( i:Number ) { return this.get_x_pos(i) - this.tick_offset; } // // make a point object using the X position and absolute Y pos // e.g. x=wednesday, y=20 // function make_point( x:Number, y:Number, right_axis:Boolean ) { return new Point( this.get_x_pos( x ), this.getY( y, right_axis ), y ); } // // make a point object, using the absolute values (e.g. -5,-5 ) // function make_point_2( x:Number, y:Number, right_axis:Boolean ) { return new Point( this.get_x_pos_of_val( x ), this.getY( y, right_axis ), y ); } function make_point_bar( x:Number, y:Number, right_axis:Boolean, group:Number, group_count:Number ) { var item_width:Number = this.width_() / this.count; // the bar(s) have gaps between them: var bar_set_width:Number = item_width*0.8; // get the margin between sets of bars: var tmp = 0; if( this.x_offset ) tmp = item_width; var bar_left:Number = this.left_()+(tmp-bar_set_width)/2; // 1 bar == 100% wide, 2 bars = 50% wide each var bar_width:Number = bar_set_width/group_count; var left:Number = bar_left+(x*item_width); left += bar_width*group; return new PointBar( left, this.getY( y, right_axis ), bar_width-0.001, // <-- hack so bars don't quite touch this.getYbottom( right_axis ) ); } function make_point_candle( x:Number, high:Number, open:Number, close:Number, low:Number, right_axis:Boolean, group:Number, group_count:Number ) { var item_width:Number = this.width_() / this.count; // the bar(s) have gaps between them: var bar_set_width:Number = item_width*0.8; // get the margin between sets of bars: var bar_left:Number = this.left_()+((item_width-bar_set_width)/2); // 1 bar == 100% wide, 2 bars = 50% wide each var bar_width:Number = bar_set_width/group_count; var left:Number = bar_left+(x*item_width); left += bar_width*group; return new PointCandle( left, this.getY( high, right_axis ), this.getY( open, right_axis ), this.getY( close, right_axis ), this.getY( low, right_axis ), high, bar_width, open ); } function makePointHLC( x:Number, high:Number, close:Number, low:Number, right_axis:Boolean, group:Number, group_count:Number ) { var item_width:Number = this.width_() / this.count; // the bar(s) have gaps between them: var bar_set_width:Number = item_width*1; // get the margin between sets of bars: var bar_left:Number = this.left_()+((item_width-bar_set_width)/2); // 1 bar == 100% wide, 2 bars = 50% wide each var bar_width:Number = bar_set_width/group_count; var left:Number = bar_left+(x*item_width); left += bar_width*group; return new PointHLC( left, this.getY( high, right_axis ), this.getY( close, right_axis ), this.getY( low, right_axis ), high, bar_width, close ); } }