package labels { import org.flashdevelop.utils.FlashConnect; import string.Css; public class XLegend extends BaseLabel { public function XLegend( json:Object ) { super(); if( !json ) return; object_helper.merge_2( json, this ); this.css = new Css( ); // call our parent constructor: this.text ); } public function resize( sc:ScreenCoords ):void { if ( this.text == null ) return; // this will center it in the X // this will align bottom: this.x = sc.left + ( (sc.width/2) - (this.get_width()/2) ); //this.getChildAt(0).width = this.stage.stageWidth; this.getChildAt(0).y = this.stage.stageHeight - this.getChildAt(0).height; } // // this is only here while title has CSS and x legend does not. // remove this when we put css in this object // public function get_height():Number{ // the title may be turned off: return this.height; } } }