=== Instructions for running cruise control on the shindig java source code === Download the latest CruiseControl (CC) from http://cruisecontrol.sourceforge.net/download.html. As of now we are using 2.7.2, but newer version should work as well. Install CC on the same level as your Shindig project. (You can use other locations as well, but this would require you to modify the config.xml file -- which should be easy.) /usr/local | +---- Shindig +---- CruiseControl In ~/.m2 create settings.xml with the following content. The site.html.dir property needs to point the right location were the httpd can find it. reporting file:///usr/local/google/shindig/html</site.html.dir> Build the project with 'mvn clean package site-deploy -P reporting' Replace the existing cruisecontrol/config.xml with the one from /etc/cruisecontrol/ Restart CruiseControl Force a build!